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Genuine Vogel crystal

Vogel Crystals

The Healing Power of Nature

Vogel crystals are natural quartz crystals skillfully cut to precise angles for enhanced use in meditation and energy work.

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Vogel Cut Crystals are natural quartz crystals that are carefully cut in conformance to the findings and teachings of Marcel Vogel (1917-1991). They are crystals that are often used in meditation, energy work, and clearing work. The crystals are cut in a specific way that maximizes the collection, amplification, and transmission of the Universal Life Force Energy also often referred to as “Chi” or simply “energy”.

Our Crystals

Our crystals were cut by a highly skilled craftsman that uses the correct angles, orientation, material and intent needed to create a fine tuned Vogel cut crystal. There are very few crystal cutters in the world that can cut a true Vogel crystal and know how to achieve the correct characteristics.


These crystals are made from Himalayan Quartz that is nearly entirely clear with very few visible natural inclusions. This in itself makes them quite rare. Vogel crystals are used by vibrational healers, Reiki practitioners and other energy workers as the crystal can amplify energy work.


These crystals are double terminated. Our cutter uses intuition with each crystal that is cut. The female end (receiving/input end) is approximately 52 degrees and the male end (firing tip) has been cut to approximately 60 degrees. Because each crystal has its own frequency and unique qualities, we find that for optimization of the crystal, it is important to take this into account when cutting them.  This is why our angles are approximate, as we work with each crystal to maximize its amplifying abilities! We have found this to be very important when cutting crystals. The receiving end of the crystals (female end) are cut to approximately the angle of the great pyramid (which depending on the source is 51.4-51.85 degrees).  This process creates what we have found to be the most effective and powerfully amplifying Vogel cut crystal!

Vogel Cut Crystal

Characteristics Of a Vogel Crystal:

  • You must first start with high quality natural quartz. Man-made material will not perform the same.


  • The crystal must be hand-cut with the necessary intent, skill, and understanding of the crystal and its intended uses.


  • The crystal must be double terminated and cut and polished to this shape.


  • The crystal must be cut completely aligned with the C axis of the quartz crystal.


  • The receptive end of the crystal (sometimes called the female end) must be faceted forming an internal angle of 52 degrees.* 


  • This is the same angle as the angle of the sides of the Great Pyramid at Giza.


  • The crystal must have four or more sides (facets)


  • The transmitter (sometimes referred to as the male) end of the crystal must be faceted with a more acute internal angle than the receptive end.



*Note: Our crystals are cut to approximately 52 degrees on the female end. Depending on the source, the angle of the Great Pyramid is 51.4 to 51.85 degrees. Because each crystal has its own frequency and unique qualities, we find that for optimization that this is important to take this into account when cutting them.  This is why our angles are approximate, as we work with each crystal to maximize its amplifying abilities! This process creates what we have found to be the most effective and powerfully amplifying Vogel cut crystal!

Vogel crystal point
Vogel cut crystals
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